VTrans and GAP Technical Assistance are administered by the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment
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September 4, 2024

Latest VTrans and GAP Updates

OIPI is now accepting applications for FY25 GAP-TA Program

Please review the FY25 guidance or attend one of the two webinars.


VTrans Focus Areas

VTrans has four focus areas symbolized by four pillars.

Over 50 datasets are produced as part of the VTrans planning process. These are used for SMART SCALE, Virginia Department of Transportation's Revenue Sharing Program, Project Pipeline, and other funding programs. Several local and regional stakeholders also rely on them for planning purposes. These datasets can be viewed and downloaded via online tools, InteractVTrans MapExplorer (mapping) and InteractVTrans DataExplorer (inforgraphics).

Pillar representing Transportation Vision

The vision established in VTrans provides a sense of purpose for transportation decision-making which is Good for Business, Good for Communities, and Good to Go.

Pillar representing Transportation Needs and Priorities

VTrans Mid-term (0-10 years) transportation needs and priority locations inform investment decisions for studies and construction.

Pillar representing Long-term Risk & Opportunity Register

VTrans Long-term (20+ years) Risk & Opportunity Register allows transportation agencies to be prepared for future risks and make the most of potential opportunities.

Pillar representing Strategic Actions

VTrans Strategic Actions inform business plans of transportation agencies to advance the vision, accelerate solutions for transportation needs, and prepare for long-term challenges.

Growth & Accessibility Planning (GAP) Technical Assistance Focus Areas

The Growth and Accessibility Planning (GAP) Technical Assistance program has four components, each with unique eligibility criteria, eligible activities, and evaluation criteria. More details are available on the GAP-TA webpage.