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February 1, 20242023 VTrans Mid-term Needs Layer is Available for Download

Based on the Policy for the Identification and Prioritization of VTrans Mid-term Needs, OIPI has developed the 2023 VTrans Mid-term Needs that can be seen below. Please utilize InteractVTrans MapExplorer to download the layer.

Mid-term Needs and Priorities

VTrans identifies and prioritizes transportation needs, referred to as Mid-term Needs, for the next 10 years. The identified transportation needs may be addressed by projects, policies, or programs.

Projects that address needs may become eligible for state funding under the SMART SCALE program and receive priority consideration in VDOT’s Revenue Sharing program. Similarly, Priority 1 locations established in VTrans become eligible for study funding under the Project Pipeline program.

Policy for the Identification and Prioritization of VTrans Mid-term Needs

The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) has established policies to identify and prioritize capacity and safety-related transportation needs using performance-based planning to provide transparency and clarity to local and regional partners. Please utilize the following resources:

Modifications to the established policies require CTB action. According to CTB policy, the Technical Guide may continue to evolve and improve based upon advances in technology, data collection, and reporting tools. If such improvements modify or affect the policy and process, they are brought to the CTB for review and approval.

Overview: Identification of the Mid-term Needs

VTrans identifies mid-term needs to advance the goals and objectives established by the CTB over the next 10 years. For each goal, one or more performance measures (numeric description of a transportation system’s performance or condition) are identified. Extensive stakeholder consultation is conducted before any modifications are made to the policy to identify and prioritize needs.

The following interactive graphic lists performance measures associated with each transportation goal. More details are included in the VTrans Policy Guide (v6) and the 2021 Technical Guide for the Identification and Prioritization of the Mid-term Needs.

Overview: Prioritization of the Mid-term Needs

Once the VTrans mid-term needs are identified, they are then prioritized to allow greater focus on locations that have more pressing needs or locations with several overlapping needs. Priority locations are established using a four-step process shown in the interactive graphic below. More details are included in the VTrans Policy Guide and the 2021 Technical Guide for the Identification and Prioritization of the Mid-term Needs.

Established VTrans Mid-term Needs and Priorities

VTrans mid-term needs and priority locations can be viewed using the map widget below. Please utilize InteractVTrans MapExplorer to print, download, or comment. Statistics associated with the identified needs and priority locations can be found on InteractVTrans DataExplorer, an interactive visualization application.

To query, print, download, or comment, visit InteractVTrans MapExplorer (2023 VTrans Mid-term Needs, 2019 VTrans Prioritized Mid-term Needs). For interactive infographics, visit InteractVTrans DataExplorer.

Noteworthy Items

  • A proposed solution to address a VTrans mid-term need does not have to be co-located with the need as long as the purpose and effectiveness of the solution addresses the need.
  • A VTrans need category does not specify a type or mode of response. For example, a solution to a need for Improved Reliability may not be roadway-centric and can instead be addressed by multimodal infrastructure improvements such as transit or rail services or park-and-ride infrastructure. Similarly, a need for Improved Reliability may also be addressed by policies (e.g., variable pricing, occupancy or vehicle restrictions, etc.) or programs such as commuter assistance programs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Looking for more specific information about the VTrans mid-term needs? Find more information on our Frequently Asked Questions page here: