VTrans will keep you informed by posting the latest news in project developments and activities, such as draft reports and presentations to committees and boards.
VTrans and GAP-TA Program Updates
Program updates are noteworthy informational items that coincide with milestones related to VTrans and Growth and Accessibility or GAP Technical Assistance programs. Each update is archived and remains available on this webpage.Search within Program Updates
The application period for FY25 is now closed and will reopen in September 2025.
Decisions for the FY25 applications are expected in December. For more information about the GAP-TA program, please visit the GAP-TA page.
Please review the FY25 guidance or attend one of the two webinars.
Virginia Office of Intermoal Planning and Investment's (OIPI) Growth & Accessibility Planning (GAP) Technical Assistance program is now accepting applications for the Fiscal Year 2025 through November 1, 2024. Please review the FY25 guidance or attend one of the two webinars.
Register here:
Webinar 1 on September 18, 2:00 P.M.: https://covaconf.webex.com/weblink/register/r809ac2d5f2cb15d2f3b04ebc7044b1c5
Webinar 2 on October 2, 10:00 AM: https://covaconf.webex.com/weblink/register/r18b523aff238ad9faa90984fe3fc9f0d
The identified transportation needs inform SMART SCALE and VDOT's Revenue Sharing funding programs.
Based on the Policy for the Identification and Prioritization of VTrans Mid-term Needs, OIPI has developed the 2023 VTrans Mid-term Needs. Please utilize InteractVTrans MapExplorer to download the layer. For details on the Policy for the Identification and Prioritization of VTrans Mid-term Needs, please visit Mid-term Needs webpage.
OIPI has developed a map layer that includes projects in Long-Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs) of three MPOs. Data from more MPOs will be added in the coming months.
OIPI’s Statewide Transportation Planning (STP) section has developed a map layer that includes projects in Long-range Transportation Plans of Hampton Roads TPO, New River Valley MPO, and Richmond Regional TPO. OIPI is coordinating collecting data from other MPOs and plans to make them available soon.
OIPI’s STP section produces over 100 data points as part of VTrans. InteractVTrans is the primary vehicle used to provide these outputs and datasets in a digital format to view and download. InteractVTrans also includes other datasets that provide context or are used to develop the outputs.
The availability of LRTPs will allow public and agency staff to view funded projects' transportation needs in the context of existing funded projects in Virginia’s Six-Year Improvement Program and those included in MPO’s Long-range Transportation Plans.
OIPI intends to notify applicants by mid-January. Selected applicants will be requested to develop detailed scopes of services for schedules and fee estimates.
The FY23 application intake for the Growth & Accessibility Planning (GAP) Technical Assistance, or GAP-TA Program is now complete, and applications are being reviewed.
OIPI intends to notify applicants in December. Selected applicants will be requested to develop detailed scopes of services for schedules and fee estimates.
GAP-TA program provides planning assistance to local and regional jurisdictions while advancing the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI) goals. Please refer to the GAP-TA webpage for more information.
Applications for the FY23 GAP Technical Assistance Program are now being accepted through Monday, October 31, 2022.
The Growth & Accessibility Planning (GAP) Technical Assistance, or GAP-TA Program, provides planning assistance to local and regional jurisdictions while advancing the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI) goals. The GAP technical assistance program has four components. Each component has a unique purpose; therefore, eligible applicants, activities, and expected outcomes vary. You can learn more by visiting the GAP-TA program webpage and apply by completing an application.
Attend one of the two webinars for an overview of eligibility requirements, types of assistance offered, and the program requirements. Note that both webinars will provide the same content for flexibility to those interested in attending.
Webinar 1: Wednesday, September 14, 2 to 3 pm (Registration link) Webinar 2: Tuesday, October 11, 11 am to 2 pm (Registration link)
Please have a look at Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) approval will allow Virginia to continue to receive National Highway Freight Program (NHFP) funds through July 2027.
The VTrans Freight Element identified several conditions impacting the movement of flow. These include truck bottlenecks, truck safety, and truck travel time reliability.
Several new tools and datasets have been developed for local and regional jurisdictions. Learn more on the VTrans Freight Element webpage and view the freight performances on InteractVTrans here.
This survey will inform VTrans Vision and the Long-term Risk Register, two focus areas of Virginia’s statewide transportation plan.
Public opinion and input are integral parts of any planning effort. Since the first VTrans Transportation Survey in 2004, several similar formal and informal surveys have been conducted. The 2022 survey will inform the following planning tasks:
- The development or modifications of transportation vision, goals, and objectives.
- Monitoring VTrans Macrotrends such as the adoption of highly Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), Electric Vehicles (EVs), e-commerce, and other emerging areas that directly or indirectly impact Virginia’s transportation system. This requirement is part of the CTB Policy for the Development and Monitoring of VTrans Long-term Risk & Opportunity Register. Please visit the survey webpage for more information, such as frequently asked questions and the survey schedule.
Eight (8) jurisdictions received technical assistance in the Fiscal Year 2022 cycle of the Growth and Accessibility Planning (GAP) Technical Assistance program.
The Growth & Accessibility Planning or GAP-TA Technical Assistance Program supports Virginia's local and regional jurisdictions consistent with the goals of the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI). As part of the FY22 cycle, eight (8) jurisdictions will be conducting studies to address pressing planning needs. A few examples are listed below:
• Performance-based Planning: Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will develop a performance-based planning process for the region’s long-range transportation plan.
• Safety Improvements: Several rural communities in the Culpeper district area will focus on safety-related needs.
• Planning for Growth: The City of Harrisonburg will evaluate its street network and prepare for planned growth and development.
Please visit the The GAP-TA webpage for more details. Join our mailing list to receive notifications about the GAP-TA program.
This online application provides over 50 datasets developed as part of VTrans - Virginia’s Transportation. These datasets include those used for SMART SCALE and state funding allocations.
One of the goals of VTrans, Virginia’s Transportation Plan is to build capacity at the local and regional levels. Virginia Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment’s (OIPI) Statewide Transportation Planning (STP) section develops and provides access to over 50 datasets. Some of these are currently being used for SMART SCALE, Virginia Department of Transportation’s Revenue Sharing Program, and other funding programs. InteractVTrans allows localities and other stakeholders to access these datasets.
Utilize InteractVTrans Module, MapExplorer, for the following datasets:
• Virginia’s Transportation Needs and Priority Locations (a.ka. VTrans Mid-term Needs and Priority Locations)
• Critical Urban and Rural Freight Corridors
• Freight Performance Measures such as Truck Bottlenecks, Truck Safety Locations, etc.
• Flooding Risk Assessment for Sea-level Rise, Storm Surge, and Inland/riverine Flooding
• And, several others.
Utilize InteractVTrans module, DataExplorer, for the following datasets:
• Projected Market Share of Automated Vehicles to the Year 2045
• Projected Market Share of Electric Vehicles to the Year 2045
• Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Index (Estimated Change in VMT Due To Macrotrends Compared To The 2045 Business-As-Usual Scenario)
• Shared Mobility Index (Estimated Switchable Urban Auto VMT to Micromobility and Ridesourcing Due To Macrotrends Compared To The 2045 Business-As-Usual Scenario)
• Safety Index (Estimated Change in Number of Crashes Involving Serious Injuries and Fatalities Due To Macrotrends Compared To The 2045 Business-As-Usual Scenario)
• Tailpipe Emissions Index (Estimated Change in Tailpipe Emissions Due To Macrotrends Compared To The 2045 Business-As-Usual Scenario)
• And, several others.
These state-of-art datasets allow for more informed decision-making. Learn more about InteractVTrans and get in touch with us for more information.
OIPI is preparing a document to provide an overview to decision-makers
On Tuesday, December 7th, OIPI presented the draft VTrans strategic actions to the Commonwealth Transportation Board. These actions are initiatives that will help the Commonwealth achieve it’s transportation Vision, Goals and Objectives and may require the creation of new policies or modifications to existing policies. The CTB approved the strategic actions on December 8th.
Also on December 8th, The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) approved the Policy for Development and Monitoring of VTrans Long-term Risk & Opportunity Register. This policy allows the Commonwealth to systematically monitor a wide range of uncertainties that could impact the transportation network over the next 20-plus years. This innovative approach benefits from a data-driven assessment to identify risks and opportunities related to four megatrends: flooding, technology, consumption patterns, and demographics.
The CTB also directed OIPI to submit a summary report of the VTrans update, including the Vision, Goals, and Objectives, Mid-term Needs and Priorities, Long-term Risk & Opportunity Register, and Strategic Actions to the General Assembly and Governor's Office. Per state requirement, the summary of VTrans will be delivered by the end of 2021.
OIPI is grateful for the active participation of so many transportation stakeholders over the course of this plan update. We look forward to your continued collaboration and engagement to ensure that we continue to find better ways to make the best of limited transportation dollars.
The 2021 VTrans Mid-term Needs are now available on InteractVTrans!
An updated VTrans Mid-term Transportation Needs layer, referred to as the 2021 VTrans Mid-term Needs, is now available on InteractVTrans. While all need categories have remained unchanged, the 2021 VTrans Mid-term Needs layer includes updated Roadway Safety Need categories (segments and intersections) as well as consolidation of two layers into one for ease of use. The updated Needs are intended to be utilized for the next round (Round 5) of SMART SCALE, for which the application intake will occur in Spring of 2022.
Visit InteractVTrans Map Explorer: This application allows a user to view the needs, search, download, and review other information ranging from transit, sidewalk, nearby funded projects, and studies. Utilize tutorials on how to use the online tool.
Per the SMART SCALE policy guide, Virginia’s SMART SCALE Process includes five overarching steps: 1.) Eligibility 2.) Project Application 3.) Project Screening 4.) Evaluation and Scoring 5.) Prioritization and Programming.
As part of the third step, a project application for funds from the High-Priority Projects Program (HPPP) or the District Grants Program (DGP) must meet an identified Need in the Commonwealth’s transportation plan – VTrans. This plan evaluates the Commonwealth’s transportation capacity and safety needs at four scales focused on key travel markets. Submitted projects must meet a Need identified under one or more VTrans Need categories. Please refer to the latest version of the SMART SCALE policy guide at http://smartscale.org/resources/default.asp for more details.
Get involved in crafting and refining an innovative approach to plan for the future.
The Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI) will host the third in a series of three webinars focused on the VTrans Long-Term Risk & Opportunity Register (link to meeting page). Stakeholders are requested to provide feedback on the draft policy by Monday, October 4. This webinar will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to hear more about the draft policy, ask questions, and provide feedback.
There are new tools and resources now available for anyone interested in digging deeper into the data and methods associated with the VTrans Long-Term Risk & Opportunity Register:
- Draft Policy Guide- The VTrans Policy Guide has been updated and now includes Chapter 6 that documents the draft policy framework for the development and monitoring of VTrans Long-term Risk & Opportunity Register.
- Draft Technical Guide- This is a companion document to draft policy, developed for planners, engineers, and other professionals interested in the data sources, processes, and methods used
- Webpages for each of the 4 megatrends (Climate, Technology, Consumption, Socio-Demographics)
- InteractVTrans Data Explorer- This is BETA release of the new InteractVTrans module and allows stakeholders to explore data and results for the 10 Macrotrends and their impacts used to develop the risk & opportunity register.
Over the next few months, the Long-Term Risk and Opportunity Register, along with other VTrans components, will be used to craft a set of VTrans Strategic Actions to proactively mitigate risks and maximize opportunities for Virginia’s transportation system.
For more information, please visit the VTrans Long-Term Risk and Opportunity Register webpage
Contact us at comment@vtrans.org
Opportunities to gather Information and to provide feedback on the development of the VTrans Long-term Risk & Opportunity Register and the GAP Technical Assistance Program.
GAP-TA Application Intake Open
FY 22 application intake for the Growth and Accessibility Planning (GAP) Technical Assistance Program is now open today through November 1, 2021. The Program provides planning assistance for Virginia localities, regional planning agencies, and other eligible entities. The Program Webpage has also been updated with a new Program Guidance Document.
Two webinars have been scheduled to provide more information. Both will have question-and-answer sessions. Both webinars will have the same content. Materials and a recording will be posted on each webinar’s meetings page after the webinars are held.
- Webinar 1: Thursday, September 16th from 1:30pm-3:00pm (Registration link)
- Webinar 2: Wednesday, October 13th from 1:30pm-3:00pm (Registration link)
Long-term Risk & Opportunity Register
Join us for the third and final webinar focused on the draft policy for the development and monitoring of the VTrans Long-term Risk & Opportunity Register. The webinar will cover the purpose and proposed process steps to help identify the long-term impacts of macrotrends (like technological and demographic changes) on the CTB’s priorities over the next few decades. Materials for the first two webinars in the series can be found on the meetings page.
- Webinar 3 (upcoming): Monday, September 20th from 1:30pm-3:00pm (Registration link)
There are several opportunities to gather Information and to provide feedback on the development of the VTrans Long-term Needs
Based on the direction from Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB), the VTrans Team continues to work on the development of VTrans Long-term Needs and has planned online outreach and engagement to solicit comments and suggestions. Please review materials from past webinars and join us for upcoming webinars to share your thoughts on our approach, analysis, and findings. Check out the VTrans meetings page or click on the links below.
Upcoming Webinars:
VTrans Trends Analysis Webinar #2: Vulnerability Assessment - June 15th - Register Here
VTrans Trends Analysis Webinar #3: Long-term Needs Development - New Date forthcoming!
Previous webinars (materials on each meeting’s webpage):
VTrans Freight Element Webinar #1 - March 24th
VTrans Trends Analysis Webinar #1: Technology and Economic Trends - April 14th
VTrans Freight Element Webinar #2 - June 1st
Statewide and Construction District Prioritized Mid-term Needs are now available!
The VTrans Mid-term Needs identified and prioritized based on the recently adopted Commonwealth Transportation Board policy are now available! We encourage transportation planning stakeholders and practitioners to become familiar with the Needs and use them to plan stronger transportation projects.
The full list of Mid-term Needs can be accessed using the following methods:
Option 1: Visit InteractVTrans. The Needs are also available on InteractVTrans, an interactive mapping application developed as a tool for public and stakeholder feedback and for accessing VTrans related data.
Option 2: Download the Needs dataset. The VTrans Mid-term Needs are available as ArcGIS Map packages on the Mid-term Needs and Priorities page.
CTB adopts the policy for the prioritization of the VTrans Mid-term Needs
On March 17, 2021 the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) took action to adopt the policy for the prioritization of the VTrans Mid-term Needs as outlined in the Policy Guide for the Identification and Prioritization of the VTrans Mid-term Needs and accepted the prioritized 2019 VTrans Mid-Term Needs. The policy establishes a transparent, data-driven, systematic, and replicable process for identifying pressing transportation needs and prioritizing the needs where solutions may make the biggest contribution to the CTB’s transportation goals.
VTrans Priority 1 locations will be used to guide VDOT and DRPT funds for planning, advance activities, and project development to address transportation network capacity needs in the Commonwealth. The Board also directed the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI) to develop VTrans Strategic Actions to advance the Board’s Vision and Goals.
Click the following link to view the CTB Resolution
For more information on the policy for the prioritization of the VTrans Mid-term Needs visit the VTrans Mid-term Needs Prioritization page which will be updated in the coming days to allow for download of the final Policy Guide for the Identification and Prioritization of the VTrans Mid-term Needs and Technical Guide for the Identification and Prioritization of the VTrans Mid-term Needs.
Thank you for reviewing the draft policy for the prioritization of the VTrans Mid-term Needs.
The draft policy for the Prioritization of the Mid-term Needs was open for comment between October 29 and November 30, 2020. Materials were made available for review via the Mid-term Needs Prioritization page on our website and included the following:
- Draft Policy Guide, outlining the overarching policy and process for prioritizing the Mid-term Needs
- Draft Technical Guide, including the detailed methodology, and meant for practitioners who would like to know more details about the prioritization methods and procedures
- Mapped results of the draft Statewide Priorities and draft Construction District Priorities and for individual Needs categories, available in the form of an interactive online map or for download as ArcGIS map package. Draft results were also available on InteractVTrans.
This Fall, the VTrans team presented updates at thirty-three different meetings and forums, including four virtual workshops to present the draft policy, presentations to MPO and PDC committees and boards, and updates at other venues.
Over 180 comments were received via email or through the comment functionality on InteractVTrans. There were more than 140 comments on the draft prioritization policy, which are included in the document attached below, along with responses for each comment. Comments on other policies are programs will be shared with relevant VDOT and DRPT divisions or considered for future updates of existing VTrans policies
The VTrans team plans to present the draft policy and modifications based on the prioritization related comments at the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s (CTB) January Workshop with a request for action at the CTB’s February meeting. More information can be found on our Events page.
The 2019 Update of the VTrans Mid-term Needs has proved to be one of the largest data-driven undertakings for a statewide plan. We received several valuable suggestions and comments that we continue to evaluate to ensure that transportation decision-making continues to be informed by accurate and comprehensive data and methods.
New program to provide multimodal planning assistance to localities, regional agencies, and public transit providers
This week, OIPI introduced a new planning assistance opportunity, the Growth and Accessibility Planning, or GAP, Technical Assistance program. It is designed to assist Virginia localities (cities, counties, and towns), regional agencies (Planning District Commissions and Metropolitan Planning Organizations) and public transit providers with one of four types of planning technical assistance:
1. Conduct multimodal planning within existing or planned UDAs or Growth Areas
2. Develop or evaluate strategies to address emerging planning issues
3. Develop an accessibility planning process
4. Conduct multimodal planning outside urbanized area
Information about each program component, eligibility requirements, and more can be found in the Program Guidance document.
Eligible entities should apply by January 15, 2021 for consideration for this program.
A webinar will be held on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 2:00pm to provide details and allow for questions from participants. To register for this webinar, please visit the Event page here.
For more information about the program and to apply for technical assistance, please visit the GAP Technical Assistance webpage.
See our upcoming opportunities to provide comment. We Want To Hear From You!
At the September meeting of the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB), the Board reviewed the draft Policy for the Development of VTrans Long-Term Risk & Opportunity Register and details on one megatrend(link to presentation slides). This was the first in a series of two presentations to the CTB on this topic. A second presentation scheduled for the October CTB meeting will focus on the remaining three megatrends and provide an additional opportunity for Board discussion on the draft policy.
In the meantime, OIPI will continue to conduct stakeholder outreach and engagement activities to gather feedback on the draft policy. On Monday September 20 at 1:30 pm, OIPI will host the third in a series of three webinars focused on the VTrans Long-Term Risk and Opportunity Register(link to webinar registration). This webinar will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to hear more about the draft policy, ask questions, and provide feedback.
In addition to upcoming webinars and meetings, there are new tools and resources now available for anyone interested in digging deeper into the data and methods associated with the VTrans Long-Term Risk & Opportunity Register:
InteractVTrans Data Explorer - new module available to explore data and results for the 10 Macrotrends used for the risk & opportunity register
Draft Policy - document which details the draft policy to develop and monitor the risk & opportunity register
Draft Technical Guide - companion document to draft policy, developed for planners, engineers, and other professionals interested in the data sources, processes, and methods used
Over the next few months, the Long-Term Risk and Opportunity Register, along with other VTrans components, will be used to craft a set of VTrans Strategic Actions to proactively mitigate risks and maximize opportunities for Virginia’s transportation system. For those interested in getting more involved we suggest participating in upcoming webinars & meetings, providing comments by email to comment@vtrans.org, and visiting our website www.vtrans.org to remain up-to-date on the latest activities.
For more information, please visit the VTrans Long-Term Risk and Opportunity Register webpage
VTrans team makes 14 presentations on the Prioritization of the VTrans Mid-term Needs
Between early August and late September members of the VTrans team have met virtually with local and regional planners and engineers, elected officials and leaders who serve the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) around the State.
The presentations included both background information and an overview of the proposed approach for Prioritization of the VTrans 2019 Mid-Term Needs. In January 2020, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) adopted a method to identify VTrans Needs and accepted the 2019 VTrans Mid-term Needs. The Board also directed OIPI to prioritize the identified 2019 Mid-Term Needs (see CTB Resolution).
Through the Spring and Summer of 2020, OIPI has worked under the guidance and direction of the CTB, including discussion at the July 2020 CTB Workshop Meeting. The MPOs were updated on the progress made to date and next steps, including the pending release of draft Prioritized Mid-Term Needs for stakeholder and public review. A thirty-day review and comment period will precede any further action by the CTB.
A full listing of the events and presentation slides can be found here: http://vtrans.org/get-involved/events
What's on the horizon for this year?
Click here to check out the VTrans Spring 2020 Newsletter. Inside you can read about the proposed prioritization process for the VTrans Mid-term Transportation Needs, development of Long-term Needs, and agency stakeholder involvement. You can subscribe to receive emails with newsletters like this by entering your email at the bottom of this page.
The 2019 VTrans Mid-term Needs are now available!
The VTrans 2019 Mid-term Needs are now available! We encourage transportation planning stakeholders and practitioners to become familiar with the Needs and use them to plan stronger transportation projects. View or download our VTrans Mid-term Needs video to learn more. You can review the full list of Mid-term Needs via the following options:
Option 1: Review your District's Executive Summary and Methodology report available here. The Mid-term Needs are compiled by VDOT Construction Districts and documented in an Executive Summary and Methodology report. Each Executive Summary document includes maps depicting the Mid-term Needs, while each Methodology report includes maps depicting results of the underlying performance measures used to identify the Needs.
Option 2: Download the Needs dataset. The 2019 Update of VTrans Mid-term Needs are available as an ArcGIS Map Package, which includes a description of the Needs data.
Option 3: Visit InteractVTrans. The Needs are also available on InteractVTrans, an interactive mapping application developed as a tool for public and stakeholder feedback and for accessing VTrans related data.
CTB approves two key elements and accepts the 2019 Update of the VTrans Mid-term Needs
On January 15, 2020 the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) took action to approve two key elements of the 2019 Update of VTrans - Virginia’s Transportation Plan, including: 1.) VTrans Vision, Goals, Objectives, and Guiding Principles 2.) Methodology used to develop the 2019 VTrans Mid-term Needs.
The Board also accepted the 2019 VTrans Mid-term Needs. In addition to fulfilling Federal and State requirements for statewide transportation planning, VTrans identifies Mid-term Needs that are used to screen project funding applications for SMART SCALE program and to establish priorities for VDOT’s Revenue Sharing Program. The 2019 Update of VTrans utilized a data-driven process that relied on iterative input from local and regional stakeholders to develop objective, transparent, and uniform criteria for identifying Mid-term Transportation Needs across the Commonwealth.
Click the following link to view the CTB Resolution.
For more information visit the VTrans Mid-term Needs page which will be updated in the coming days to allow for download of the final reports.
Thanks for reviewing the Draft VTrans Mid-term Needs!
VTrans, as Virginia’s statewide transportation plan, includes both the long-term vision for the future of transportation in the Commonwealth and a Mid-term (0-10 year) assessment of specific transportation needs that are consistent with the vision. The VTrans Mid-term Needs are identified through a data-driven process with the intent to develop objective, transparent, and uniform criteria for assessing transportation needs across the Commonwealth.
The Draft VTrans 2019 Mid-term Needs were released for public and stakeholder review on October 28, 2019. The Draft Mid-term Needs were made available for review by three methods: 1.) Executive Summary documents available for download and printing 2.) Database of Needs available for download as ArcGIS map package 3.) Via the InteractVTrans mapping application.
Since October, the public and other stakeholders have had the opportunity to meet with the VTrans team at a series of nine Fall Transportation Meetings held around the Commonwealth. Over a hundred comments on the Draft VTrans Mid-term Needs were received in-person at public meetings, via email and letters, or through the comment functionality on InteractVTrans. Attached below is a document which includes all comments received since late October and individual responses for each comment.
The 2019 Update of the VTrans Mid-term Needs has proved to be one of the largest data-driven undertakings for a statewide plan. We received several suggestions and comments that we could not implement for the 2019 Update, but we will continue to work to ensure that transportation decision-making continues to be informed by accurate and comprehensive data and methods.
CTB discuss VTrans Vision, Goals, Objectives and draft Mid-term Needs. Action requested for January 2020
OIPI staff provided an update presentation on VTrans tasks completed since the June 2019 Commonwealth Transportation Board meeting . The presentation focused on the Vision, Goals, Objectives and Guiding Principles, a summary of stakeholder outreach, and draft results of the VTrans Mid-term Needs assessment. Staff requested CTB action on these items at the January 2020 meeting.
A link to the meeting agenda and presentation slides can be found here: http://www.ctb.virginia.gov/public_meetings/agendas_and_meeting_minutes/default.asp
Learn how to use our online interactive mapping application, InteractVTrans!
InteractVTrans is an interactive mapping application developed as a tool for public and stakeholder feedback on VTrans, Virginia’s Statewide Transportation Plan.
InteractVTrans provides three primary functionalities to citizens and stakeholders interested in accessing VTrans related data:
(1) “FIND” - ability to query and filter VTrans data specific to a city, county, MPO or PDC area and other areas of geographic interest. Users have the ability to download search results in multiple formats
(2) “LAYERS” - users can turn on and off data layers of interest
(3) “COMMENT” - by dropping a point on the map and noting a specific comment or idea relevant to Virginia’s Statewide Transportation Plan.
See the How to Use InteractVTrans slides for additional guidance on using this tool to access VTrans related information.
See our upcoming opportunities to provide comment. We Want To Hear From You!
VTrans is Virginia's Multimodal Transportation Plan that identifies transportation needs. These transportation needs become eligible for various capacity improvement funding programs, including the next round (Round 4) of SMART SCALE, for which the application intake will occur in Spring of 2020.
Please take advantage of one or more of the following opportunities to share your input and comment on the draft VTrans Mid-term Needs.
Option 1: Attend a Commonwealth Transportation Board Fall Transportation Meeting in your area where the VTrans Team will be present. Materials presented at these workshops is available here .
Option 2: Visit our Mid-term Needs page where a printable version of the Needs are available, and provide comments via email to Comment@VTrans.org.
Option 3: Visit InteractVTrans, an online tool that allows for search and download of your jurisdiction-specific VTrans Mid-term Needs, and provide location-specific comments.
Option 4: Participate in one of the following webinars:
- Tuesday, October 29, 10-11 am
- Friday, November 8, 10-11 am
Virginia’s SMART SCALE funding program is about picking the right transportation projects for funding and ensuring the best use of limited tax dollars. To obtain state transportation dollars, a project application has to go through the five steps: 1.) Eligibility 2.) Project Application 3.) Project Screening 4.) Evaluation/Scoring 5.) Prioritization/Programming. As part of the third step, a project application must meet an identified Need in VTrans. Check out the SMART SCALE Policy Guide for more details.
The VTrans Team will be available to discuss the Draft Mid-Term Needs and provide opportunity for public comment
The Fall Transportation Meetings are hosted by the Secretary of Transportation and the Commonwealth Transportation Board in each of the nine Construction Districts around Virginia. They include an Open House and Town Hall session, and are an opportunity for the public to provide comments on transportation projects and priorities.
The VTrans team will be at the Open House with a table where you can find out more about the Draft Mid-term Needs and provide comments.
To find out more, including meeting dates and locations, visit our events page. If you cannot attend in person, we invite you to review materials shared on our Fall Transportation Meetings page and send feedback any time to Comment@VTrans.org.
The VTrans Team traveled the Commonwealth completing thirteen workshops with local and regional transportation stakeholders
Between late July and mid-August, the VTrans Team hit the road to hold a series of thirteen VTrans Regional Workshops with local and regional transportation stakeholders. The Team introduced a series of Performance Measures under development for the purpose of assessing mid-term (7-10 year) multimodal transportation needs in Virginia.
Stakeholders provided valuable feedback related to the proposed Performance Measures as well as context necessary to understand the unique transportation challenges facing each region. Participants included:
- 83 Cities and Counties
- 30 Towns
- 15 MPO’s
- 16 PDC’s
- 16 Transit Agencies (several transit departments that are part of cities and counties)
- 4 TDM agencies
- 4 airports
- 3 universities
- Various other state and regional stakeholders (Port of Virginia, VA Department to Aviation, TMPD, TED, VDOT residencies, etc.)
The feedback received is currently under review as the methodology for the VTrans Needs identification continues to develop.
If you are interested in the material presented at each workshop, visit our Online Meetings page.
OIPI has kicked off a series of thirteen VTrans Regional Workshops to be held across the Commonwealth
The Virginia Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI) kicked off a series of thirteen VTrans Regional Workshops this week, with meetings running through mid-August.
The purpose of each workshop is to share and discuss data and performance measures that will be used to identify needs for Corridors of Statewide Significance (CoSS), Regional Networks (RN) and Safety, and to gather feedback from regional and local stakeholders. Discussion will be focused on performance measure thresholds that best address the underlying VTrans Goals and Objectives with an emphasis on local and regional knowledge to capture issues that may not be fully or accurately captured by data alone.
Participants include local and regional jurisdictions, transit service providers, Transportation Demand Management (TDM) agencies, and other relevant public transportation entities.
For a full listing of event dates and locations visit our Events page.
For meeting materials and additional information visit our Online Meetings page.
Check out What's Happening with VTrans by reading our Summer 2019 Newsletter
The Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI) hit the road in April and May, traveling around the Commonwealth to meet with public stakeholders and local representatives. The team held Open House meetings in all nine Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) districts, in conjunction with the CTB’s Spring Meetings.
The materials provided an introduction to the VTrans process, outlined key demographic and transportation trends, and previewed the Needs Assessment process.
To accommodate those who were unable to attend an Open House, OIPI also shared an Online Meetings page on the VTrans website.
OIPI also conducted two informative presentations at the June CTB meeting. First, the team provided an overview of statewide demographics, including population, employment, and income trends across the Commonwealth, as well as key implications for transportation demand.
For the second presentation, OIPI updated the CTB on the latest VTrans activities. The presentation highlighted the following key topics:
1.) Vulnerability Assessment: This part provided updates on work to measure vulnerability and resilience to flooding and sea level rise according to up-to-date definitions.
2.) VTrans Vision & Goals: The team reaffirmed the VTrans Vision and Goals.
3.) Mid-Term Needs Assessment OIPI offered a status update for ongoing work to refine the VTrans Mid-Term Needs.
4.) Outreach & Engagement: The team recapped recent outreach efforts, including a summary of the Spring 2019 Public Open Houses.
What’s Next?
It’s a busy season, as the VTrans team works toward finalizing Mid-Term Needs by the end of 2019. Check out what’s coming next for VTrans:
- July/August: The VTrans team will be traveling across the Commonwealth to hold workshops with regional transportation planning stakeholders and get their input on the draft Mid-Term Needs. Stay up-to date at vtrans.org/get-involved/events
- September–November OIPI will continue meeting with local & regional transportation planning stakeholders to discuss and refine the draft Mid-Term Needs.
- October/November: The VTrans team will host Open Houses and present the draft Mid-Term Needs to the CTB, along with a summary of any feedback.
- December: The CTB will consider action on the Mid-Term Needs, with the goal of publishing final Needs by the end of the year.
OIPI has wrapped up the first phase of public meetings for the VTrans Update
OIPI staff traveled around the Commonwealth in April and May of 2019 for a series of nine Open House meetings with public stakeholders and local representatives. This series of meetings allowed the VTrans team to engage in conversation and receive direct feedback from the public. All comments received will be synthesized and considered as the VTrans statewide assessment of transportation needs begins in the Summer of 2019.
If you were unable to attend an Open House, please view the meeting materials and presentation available on our Online Public Meetings page.
Provide input and learn more via our virtual meeting page
If you are unable to join us at one of nine VTrans Open House meetings held around the Commonwealth in April and May of 2019, you still have the opportunity to participate! Visit our Online Public Meetings page for the virtual experience of the Spring 2019 VTrans Open House. On this page you will find all the posters, handouts, and a recorded version of the presentation. You can also submit a comment form to provide your input on the VTrans Vision and Goals. Thanks for your continued interest and involvement in VTrans, Virginia's Transportation Plan!
To be held prior to Spring Transportation Meetings
Over the next several weeks, OIPI staff will be hosting nine Open Houses across the state to provide updates on VTrans, Virginia's transportation plan. The focus of the materials will be on the Vision and Goals of VTrans, as well as the upcoming VTrans Needs Assessment. Attendees will be able to provide feedback directly to OIPI staff in a one-on-one setting. There will also be a short presentation to introduce VTrans and describe the work that is planned over the next year. Open House materials will also be posted on this site closer to the meeting dates. Check out the Events page to find an Open House near you.
On March 13, the VTrans team provided an update to state and regional planners at the Joint Annual Planning and Programming and MPO Quarterly Coordination Meeting
At the Joint Annual Planning and Programming and MPO Quarterly Coordination Meeting, the VTrans team updated state and regional planners on project progress to date. The update highlighted the nine Fall Transportation Meetings and nineteen presentations to MPO and PDC technical and policy committees as part of the VTrans Kickoff phase of public and stakeholder engagement.
The discussion also looked forward to upcoming agency meetings to discuss Needs Identification Methodology in the Spring of 2019 and the Review of Draft Needs in early Fall of 2019. With the public, the VTrans team will be present at all upcoming Spring Transportation Meetings across the state in April-May 2019.
The second half of this presentation included a key task update from John Miller, P.E. from the Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC). VTRC is analyzing the Commonwealth's demographic trends, including historical and forecast population and employment across the state, as foundational research for the VTrans planning process. Key questions from this research include: If our population is aging, what will be the transportation needs of an older population? How might trends in population and employment affect demand for transportation? VTRC's work is underway and set to be completed in the early Summer of 2019.
VTrans team traverses the Commonwealth to provide 20+ kick off presentations
Over the last few months members of the VTrans team have traversed the Commonwealth meeting with local and regional planners and engineers, elected officials and leaders who serve the Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Planning District Commissions around the State. OIPI staff have provided presentations to look back on the accomplishments of VTrans2040 and to highlight new opportunities for each region to be engaged in the VTrans update. A full listing of the events and presentation slides can be found here: http://vtrans.org/get-involved/events
The new year brings a new look and renewed purpose to VTrans.org. Welcome to our new website!
Welcome to the revamped VTrans website - the primary source of information of the VTrans program - courtesy of the Virginia Office of Intermodal Planning and Investments. This website's purpose is to inform and engage the public in the development of the VTrans Update. Here you will find the program's vision, past VTrans plans, contact details, and more. Please explore and check back often for news, upcoming events, interactive polls, other ways you can be involved in the planning process!
On November 28, the VTrans Steering Committee (VSC) gathered for its fourth monthly meeting. The VSC includes key staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT).
This group meets with OIPI for monthly meetings and periodic working group sessions to help guide the work and outputs of Virginia's Transportation Plan. The next meeting of this group will be held on January 23, 2019. For more information on the VSC see the About VTrans page.
On December 11, OIPI provided the executive board of the Virginia Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (VAMPO) an update on VTrans.
VAMPO provides the forum for regional organizations across the Commonwealth to exchange information and work together to enhance transportation planning.
VTrans is a collaborative effort. OIPI will be working with VAMPO and similar organizations over the next few years to ensure that Virginia's Transportation Plan will achieve state, regional and local goals for transportation.
At its monthly meeting on October 30, 2018, Virginia’s Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) announced the start of the Innovation Summit and the commencement of the latest update to VTrans.
The summit, which began Tuesday, Oct. 30, and ended Friday, Nov. 2, focused on new technology, preparing for the future workforce, public-private partnerships, regional and multimodal connectivity, safety, and recent successes among state agencies in innovation.
The Board also announced that the next update of VTrans – Virginia’s mid- and long-range multimodal planning document for transportation – is set to begin. VTrans provides the overarching vision for development, preservation, and maintenance of Virginia’s transportation system. For more information, visit the Virginia Department of Rail & Public Transportation bulletin.